Wrestlemania 24 Press Conference Live Updates

I’m lucky enough to be watching the live WM24 press conference(lucky me) here are some live updates.

3:00pm EST: Vince comes out and talks about how big WM is to the WWE and how they can do more at an out door arena then they can inside. Is it just me or is it weird to see Vince out of out side of his gimmick.

3:10 EST: Jonathan Coachman intros John Cena he gets his usual mixed reaction. Cena thanks Vince for putting WM together, Cena says he’s lucky because he was supposed to miss this years WM. He then says he respects the wrestling business no matter whether he gets booed or cheered. He also says he will deliver.

3:16 EST: Coach intros Randy Orton he also gets a mixed reaction. Orton says he younger, faster, stronger then Cena and HHH, the marks then start the Cena chant. Orton says after WM he will no longer be known as the “legend killer” he will be known as a legend. ORTON IS LEGEND coming to a theater near you.

3:22 EST: Coach intros HHH he is the only person so far to get 100% positive reaction. HHH says WM is bigger then the Superbowl(a bit much). He says like the Superbowl they all come to see “The Game”…….get it. Blah, Blah, Blah at WM the king will be back on his thrown HHH is done.

3:28 EST: Coach intros Candis Michelle and Maria and announces they will be in the first ever “Playboy Bunny Mania Match” whatever the fuck that is. Apparently its Maria’s birthday the crowd starts singing happy birthday to her. I refuse to waste my time transcribing this shit. The smart move would have been putting Santino out there with them.

3:31 EST: Coach intros Edge he also gets a mixed reaction. Edge talks about how The Undertaker is undefeated but so is he. Edge says quote “The streak comes to an end at the hands of the Rated R Superstar” then he walks off to mostly boo’s. Edge got less time then the divas.

3:34 EST Coach intros Rey Mysterio even though he wont be wrestling Coach says Rey will be coaching Floyd Mayweather. Rey gets the biggest pop so far, he starts speaking Spanish and the crowd gives him an even bigger pop. The crowd starts chanting something in Spanish(I don’t know what). Rey says he’s gonna come back stronger and faster(apparently Rey and Orton are big Kanye West fans).

3:40 EST Coach intros new Raw announcer Mike Adamle I don’t know why this guy gets the mic. Mike talks about the size difference between The Big Show and Mayweather. Mike now intros Shane McMahon says he’s responsible for getting the Mayweather/Big Show match together.

3:43 EST Shane says HBO, Direct TV and everybody in the boxing PPV business are worried. Cena chant starts for no good reason. Now a HHH chant starts for no good reason then Orton holds up the title and everybody boo’s him.

3:45 EST Shane intros Mayweather he comes out accompanied by his entourage as usual he also gets a mixed reaction. Some people start chanting De La Hoya. Mayweather thanks Vince, Shane and the WWE the De La Hoya chant contiues followed by a Big Show chant. Mayweather asked the crowd to refer to him as “Money Mayweather”. Mayweather then pulls out a stack of cash and offers to make it rain but he doesn’t. Mayweather seems to be enjoying the heel heat, he says it was the WWE but now it’s the MME(Money Mayweather Entertainment) clever. He continues to taunt the crowd so far Mayweather by far the most entertaining part of this press conference.

3:55 EST Mike Adamle comes back out and intros Big Show and the stream cuts off(not on my end the WWE screwed up somehow). The stream comes back Big Show is at the podium. He says he’s gonna slap around Mayweather at Mania. Mayweather then stands on a chair so that he’s eye to eye with Big Show. Mayweather then sits back down and thats it. What are they crazy? They didn’t stage any kind of fake scuffle that was the whole reason I sat through this shit. You think the WWE would have given the press some time to ask questions, just a thought.

So what is it that we’ve learned here, there’s gonna be some kind of “Playboy Bunny Mania Match” at WM, Edge held the entire SD! brand on his back for the better part of a year and yet he cant get more then 3mins at the WM24 press conference, LA loves Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker doesn’t get invited to press conferences and Floyd Mayweather works much better as a heel with no script.

Here is some post press conference material from the WWE, lets see how long it takes them to yank it from YouTube:


18 Responses

  1. On the very few times that Vince let’s the act go I really enjoy listening to him. I would enjoy a long interview with the “true” Vince sometime. What I would really like is a Vince authored book on the inside of the WWE.

  2. So I wonder how Randy Orton is going to get DQ’ed this time? I mean he has to step his game up this is after all, the “Granddaddy of them all” Wrestlemania.

  3. triple threats suck

    they should at least give us a 3 way dance.

  4. and tthis years mania looks horrible on paper, but who knows how it will end up in reality?

  5. I think Mania doesnt look too bad so far.

    I’ll be alright if Khali, Big Daddy V, & Mark Henry aren’t on the card

  6. Anyone else find it interesting that HHH is sat at the heels table with Orton and Edge??

  7. It’d be nice if the crowd shuts the fuck up

  8. haha de la hoya chants.

  9. Did any one notice that HHH sucks balls ? who still cares about the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP ! it been lost it’s pride once it started looking like that , and am I the only one that thinks Cena should be facing Jericho at Wrestlemania 24 ? All I got to say is Edge is the best wrestler on WWE !

  10. I wish they would not have the playboy divas shite at every wrestlemania.

  11. mania doesnt look bad. the two main events should be good, candice is out of the women’s title picture, money in the bank.

    some things i dont want to see are batista vs mvp because hardy should be there and we’ve seen that 100 times on smackdown, and the edge undertaker match should be near the end, not fourth match up like lass year.

    but, a question i have is who will be the heel in the mayweather big show match? they had show kill rey on sd to heel him up, but the wrestling crowd has no reason to cheer mayweather, boxing isn’t all that popular. i mean I’m a really big wrestling fan, but i didn’t even know about this guy before a post on the blog. maybe rey will help him get over. but then rey wasn’t even that over at the rumble, mania will have even more smart fans, or will it? ohiiii, my head hurts

  12. I think it should be Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker for the WH Title at WM 24, that would be an awesome match.

  13. Why would that be a awesome match we got that match last year already, I think Cena VS Jericho would be sweet !

  14. Yeah, Jerico hasn’t really made a BIG impact like winning the WWE Title since he returned. He should get a title shot.

  15. – Awesome

    Why would the main event of Wrestlemania be a repeat of the main event of Armageddon? Remember, Edge vs Batista vs Undertaker already happened?

  16. On Cena vs Jericho; after Cena wins the WWE Title at Wrestlemania, a Y2J heel turn and subsequent main event push will be in order. It’s just too bad he’ll be jobbing, and eventually become the 57 time Intercontinental Champion.

  17. Orton’s going to be “Legend”? Does Larry Zbysko have anything to say about this?

  18. I was thinking Jericho should have attacked Cena at No Way Out

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