Sophmore Slump or Comeback of the Year?

(Nobody puts “Thanks to Lex Luthor” at the top of the blog. Show some respect.)
Yes, that is the title of the Fall Out Boy song from the album “From Under the Cork Tree”.

It fits this article just fine. In fact, they work suprisingly well together

Anyway, before I get kicked off after one post or this gets deleted by Lex, let me get on point…

The upcoming draft, a week from Monday, is going to either make or break the WWE as a company, due to it’s current status of crappy television, injury plague, roster cuts, the death of a dynasty (ECW, although some wouldn’t call it a dynasty), and, in the midst of it all… Santino McRedShoes (excuse me, Marella).

I know what you’re thinking: “>

The draft is supposed to better the industry with fresh faces in far out places. Sometimes, as you all know with the inamous “Title Switch”, actual championships go into the fray.Let me tell you, having the thought of Cena as WWE Champ back on SmackDown! or MVP and the U.S. Title on RAW is scintillating, but not this, as the magic has quickly worn off since this…

…and this…

Don’t always believe in magic, because Mr. Boris Alexiev a.k.a. Santino Marella is no genie. Many believe that the IC Title has been brought to shame thanks to this man. Especially if he isn’t even on HEAT (anyway, how would I know, nobody watches HEAT anyway), or working house shows on tours across the US, he is exactly what the linked post contradicts: a flash-in-the-pan, Johnny-come-lately, poser. (And I don’t take that word lightly.)

But, the WWE can put some effort into pushing Marella if he is either undrafted or on another show (whoever picks for RAW can force SmackDown! into drafting him by picking MVP early, maybe in the Top 5), because this relative unknown OVW worker needs face time, NOW, before he just bites the dust like Ariel, Scotty 2 Hotty,Sabu, and all the rest of the underused or unwanted talent in the WWE

Maybe you should use this gimmick, at least it doesn’t make Santino look like a punk:

Peace and love, MDP