TNA Sacrifice Discussion, Predictions and Whatnot


Ah. TNA iMPACT has done it for me. I am “paying” for this PPV. iMPACT has persuaded me this time, I haven’t this persuaded to “buy” a TNA PPV since Bound For Glory. Which, by the way, was the best PPV of 2006. Enough of this filler talk, on to the meat and potatoes. Jesus, what is this cliche city? I am a terrible poster.

“ALL TITLES WILL BE DEFENDED!!!111on!!!eoneone.”

NWA World Title: Christian Cage (C) v. Sting v. Angle
Winner: Cage

I don’t see Cage dropping it just yet, I don’t see Angle with the belt yet either. TNA, if you are smart, you book a Cage Joe match to set up a Title feud between Angle Joe. Sting, I am assuming, will go to a Fallen Angel program, which baffles me. TNA booking confuses me sometimes.

NWA World Tag Titles: Team 3000 lbs (Butter Bean and Krispy Kreme)(C) v. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (Steiner and Tomko) v. the Latin American Xchange (Homicide and Hernadez) w/ Konnan and Machete and yours truly.
Winner: Team 3000 lbs.

They don’t want to give it back to LAX just yet. In my opinion, The Motor City machine Guns: Shelley and Sabin, will get a push for the tag division. What sucks, is that they won’t get the belts from Team 3D cause well “it’s not believable”. It’s sad, but it’s true. Cliche #2.

Can anyone see a MCMG v. LAX World Tag Belt? Team 3D will drop the belts at Slammiversary, and go to Japan, cause they sure as hell aren’t wanted around here. Team 3D, please get on a treadmill, good god. I don’t know who is in worse condition, Butter Bean ( Bubba Ray) or Mark henry. A couple hundred too many Philly Cheesestakes eh Bubba?

X Division Title: Chris “N00B PWNER” Sabin (C) v. Black Negroism: Jay Lethal v. Sonjay Dutt
Winner: Black Machismo. You want to push this guy before the TNA crowd or the casual fan for that matter, start to shit on Lethal for taking a gimmick of a still very well known character. That run on sentence was brought to you by: FRUITY FRUITY SKITTLEZ FRUITY DELICIOUS FRUITY FRUITY! A Jay Lethal – SjD feud interests me: somewhat technical type of wrestling by Lethal vs. SjD’s high flying aspect. A styles clash if you will. Oh and Sabin, he is teaming up with Shelley to take out Team “We Need Treadmills”. And to put forth a great program between LAX and ASCS.

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe.
Bah? Funny how last year these two were the reason to watch TNA, now they are mere particles of the mess that has become of TNA. Why are they even feuding? Joe, hurry back to ROH or hell, go to the E, they’ll probably use you better over there.
Winner: Joe, I guess.

At this point, I am winded. This is the longest post I’ve ever done

VKM v. Basham and Damaja
Snooze…Snooze…Snooze. Sorry. Does anyone care about VKM? Or Basham and Damaja? Or Christy Hemme’s shrilling voice? No? Just me? Just me?
Winner: Err, VKM. Cause…TNA can’t book.

Texas Death Match: James Storm vs. WildPatch Chris Harris
So, you’re telling me Harris needs to be cleared for a singles one fall match, yet he can g right ahead with a Deathmatch? WOOO! TNA Booking FTW.
Winner: Me, I get to see Gail Kim. Match winner: Pfft. Wildpatch.

Fallen Scorpion Angel vs. DIRT Troit’s own Rhino.
… dot dot dot … dot dot dot…crickets bark?
Winner: FAllen Angel

Jarrett vs. Roode
ZZZ. zeezeezee. JJ FTW cause well, he is JJ and he books himself over people to be a face. ZZZ.

NOW THIS! THIS is what will persuade me.
Alex Shelley vs. Jerry Lynn vs. TIGER MASK v. Senshi
No goddamn clue why these four are in a match, but dammit I get to see Tiger Mask. w00t.
What do we get out of the match? Seeing Tiger MAsk that’s what!

Winner: Tiger Mask.

Well there goes the TNA preview, disc., and all that. This may have been crap but hey, I tried.

Now, the major news of the blog: I will have a weekly post of wrestling comedy.
ie: Funny stuff on these here interwebz that are LAWL worthy.

AND to add to that, even a monthly indie DVD review. Believe dat, playa!

LeBlue OUT to sleep.

Happy Mother’s day to all mothers who deserve such a thing. Hug your mother, even call her up and talk to her. I know we don’t all like talking to our moms but at least pretend that you care wwhen she goes on rambling on the telefone. Deal? or no deal?