Superstar Comparison: Mr. Kennedy, RVD

This is just a thought. But after seeing Mr. Kennedy on RAW for the past several weeks, I been having this deja vu feeling. For a while I’ve been trying to put this together and I think I’ve come up with something. IN MY OPINION. I believe Mr. Kennedy is the “new RVD”. Go with me on this. Thier styles are completely different. But the way things are booked now, I see some big simmilarities.
For one, Kennedy and RVD are both waay over with the crowd. Fans love to chant thier names. Thier segments are entertaining.
Also, they both are great wrestlers. They have great understanding of ring psycology. And have great finishers.
Thirdly, they are both deserving of a title push. Back when RVD was on RAW years ago he would have been a great champion when he was feuding with triple H. They had some great matches. Now Im seeing this again with Kennedy. Everyone wants him in the main event but there is always someone in his way.
Two weeks ago when Kennedy was facing Lashley, I was thinking “great their gonna bury Kennedy some more”. I figured that no one aside from Cena would be put over Lashley. But when Kennedy started working over his shoulder I got this incredible feeling. I hadnt felt that way about a wrestling match in years. And when Kennedy got the pinfall It was the closest thing to a “mangasm”.
All I’m saying is that Kennedy is great but he seems to be lost in the shuffle. Much like RVD was. They are two of my favorites and whenever I hear thier music and see them walk to the ring I know something great is about to happen. I feel that their situations on RAW are very similar. RVD never got his long run of glory that he deserved in WWE. But I’m sure Kennedy will have his.