Alex Shelly vs Roderick Strong

We need more indy wrestling on PWB. This should do for now 🙂

The match is from Ring of Honor, and was posted to YouTube by them, so it should stay up.


Well, I finally did it. I’ve been telling D that I was going to make a tribute video of him for a year or better. It took me forever because of the learning curve and my lack of free time. That said, I found four hours today to sit down and do it.

This is my first music video, so please be gentle in the comments. I hope everyone likes it 🙂


Behold! The first lady of hardcore: LuFisto!

This chick is so tough, I’ve seen her win “King” of the Deathmatch tournaments, and even believably beat the crap out of guys like Necro Butcher. She terrifies me.

Los Ice Creams

Look out, Briscoes. There’s a new tag team on the scene that’s going to take your place as the best tag team in 2008. That’s right! It’s Chikara’s own Los Ice Creams: El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.

I hope you guys enjoy this great Los Ice Creams video I found today.

A long needed dose of indy wrestling

I know, I know. I’ve been slacking on posting indy matches every week. I’ve been very busy at a new job, but I bring you a great one, today. This one is from UWF and features a triple threat between TJ Mack, Human Tornado, and The Man-Scout Jake Manning.

If the ring looks familiar, it’s because it’s the same kind used for TNA. I’m glad to see other promotions adopting the six sided ring, as it’s a good style.

The ASS PUNCH video

I found this on youtube.It may have been on the old blog(I’m not sure) but nonetheless please take a look at it,it’s only 26 seconds long and it’s a match b/w superdragon and monster man(c).Check out the way the commentary guy says “all that from an ass punch” right at the end.It’s funny as hell.This one is especially for the dude who tells you to tell your mama that you saw greatness.

Age of the Fall

I’ve always admired Ring of Honor, but I’ve never been a fan. Today, I checked out this week’s video wire. They included the first promo of Age of the Fall. This is the single best and most powerful promo I’ve ever seen.

Ring of Honor, you just made a new fan out of me. I have to spread the word, now.

Your Weekly Dose of Indy Wrestling

Sorry for the delay, but life has been beyond hectic lately.

Since you guys seem to enjoy the music video style videos better, I’ll try to stick to those from here on out. This one is video highlights of an amazing up-and-comer named Gran Akuma. Expect to see him signing a big deal in the foreseeable future. This guy is full of win! 🙂



The latest buzz in proffessional wrestling, or at least the independent circuit, is the new storyline ROH is coming forth with: Project 161.

Project 161 first started as a “prank” where Gabe Sapolsky was featured in a web page where he was “threatened”. Not only was he in the web page, his wife was also there. I guess, Gabe went on the ROH Message Board and told all the ROH fans not to worry because it was a “prank”. Then the buzz was that, “Hey, if Gabe has brought it up and has dismissed it, maybe it’s a work.” Well, at the Death Before Dishonor VI show (Night I) in Boston, right before the Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Hero match, a voice came over the PA System. “PROJECT 161 IS COMING! PROJECT 161 IS COMING!” Not to mention, Project 161 has also a website. In that website, there are crosses on ROH workers, and the such

I first became aware of this “huge angle” when a caller brought it up in a webcast, and the hosts and the caller sorta made fun of it. I dismissed it at first. I took it as what it probably was thought as; a stupid prank. Then, I somewhat caught interest in this angle when it was incorporated into the Death Before Dishonor VI show.

What really got me into this was, while listening live to Dave Meltzer’s “Wrestling Observer Live” on Sunday, August the 12th, a caller, Mark from Connecticut started to loudly repeat “PROJECT 161 IS BEGGINING! PROJECT 161 IS WELL PUT TOGETHER!” Quickly, Dave turned down the caller’s volume because it sort of “put the brakes” on the show. Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer dismissed this angle as a “goofy” storyline. Dave quickly defended his opinion by saying that he needs to learn more about the angle before making swift judgements.

Another caller explained what had occurred, because he was live at the ROH show, and commented on how he goes to ROH for wrestling, not a goofy storyline. I thoroughly agreed up until I thought about it further. This can’t hurt ROH, it can only make it more interesting.

My only gripe with this angle is that, unless you are a hradcorte ROH follower, you are kinda lost with this angle. By “hardcore ROH follower” I mean, reading their Message Board, checking every hour to see if that one DVD is out or not, watching ROH DVDs 4 to 5x, and checking a lot.

The scheme of the angle is that somethig will be revelead during the 161st show in Detroit, MI (9/15). Right about time, those TNA contracts have 30 days to go, no? Who is to say that TNA contracted workers won’t show up at the 9/15 show just to piss off TNA?

Now on to the speculation. Who could it be?

Suspect #1 – Jimmy Rave.

Jimmy Rave’s release from his ROH contract came (not reported on, for shame) was, how you say, suspicious. Apparently, his release came when Jimmy ran backstage right after his match and complained to ROH head bookers on different topics. He was released just that night. The rumor going aroudn was that this was just a work and all. Then again, Rave never really had “behavioral problems”. And how convinient that he was released the same week that this Project 161 started. Coincidence?

Suspects #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – Special K kids.

The Special K kids had quite a run in ROH from 2003 – 2005. I won’t bore you with their “history”, so here is what WikiPedia Sez

Many have gone on to great heights in the Independent circuit (Cheech, Cloudy, Lacey: Valet of Jimmy Jacobs). Others have caught mainstream attention (“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Joey Matthews aka “Mercury” in the WWE). And others have stayed in the same area they were in before (Deranged, Rebecca Bayless, Sal Rinauro, Mikey Whipwreck: ECW fame). By the way, look who’s back, Deranged of Special K is coming back for the August 24 show in Hartford to face Jack Evans. A near 2 year absence and now he’s coming back? Hmmm.

So the main suspects in this bunch are: Cheech & Cloudy, Lacey (she’s not doing much these days other than starting to participate in SHIMMER a lot more), Deranged, and Rebecca Bayless.

Now for your “far out” suspects.

Suspect #7 – “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels.

I know he’s “under TNA contract”. Then again, there are those contracts inTNA that are running out by October. I know what you’re saying, “Yea, but he’s getting a push in TNA. He’s with XXX and he’s currently tearing it up.” No. TNA is so inconsistent, they’d probably have Daniels job clean to somebody irrelevant.

If you look at it, him leaving, left a trail for him to come back. He left after a 15 minute draw vs. Erick Stevens at the 4/28 show, “Good Times, Great Memories”. After the draw, he got on the mic and “shot” on ROH and the fans and all.

Suspect #8 – Samoa Joe

Whose contract is running out in October? The ROH Icon, Samoa Joe. Do you really think he’d go to the “E”? I don’t.

Because A) In an interview, after he got married, he said how he wants to spend more time with his wife. WWE schedule can’t let you do that, you’re on the road for a 90% of the year.
B) Joe would have to work his way back up to main event status in the “E”. Do you think, after 3 – 4 years in the spotlight, he’d want to start all over again?

All other suspects:

With the rumor of the X Divvers to be phased out, ALL X DIVISIONERS ARE SUSPECTS!

‘Til the next blog post

PS – Show Love,yo.

Your Weekly Dose of Indy Wrestling

This week, I bring you two Chikara mainstays. Normally from the tag team Up In Smoke, this time they’re against each other in a CZW ring. I give you: Cheech vs Cloudy.

If you only watch part of this amazing match, watch the last five minutes for some amazing spots.

Your Weekly Dose of Indy Wrestling

Speaking of Matt Sydel, I thought I’d highlight a recent match of his, this week.

This match is from JAPW, and is a four way between Matt Sydel, Matt Cross (MDogg20), Archadia, and The Human Tornado. Amazing match that I think everyone should watch. TNA could pull off matches like this if they really applied their roster like they should.

If you don’t have time to watch the whole match, skip to 11 minutes in and enjoy Human Tornado doing what he does best. I laughed until I cried. 🙂

Respect for the Hardcore

Reposting this a second time, now. I hope no one posts malicious posts this time around.

I’ll keep it short and simple: Enjoy this wonderful music video tribute to Necro Butcher.

WARNING: This video is very graphic!

Your Weekly Dose of Indy Wrestling

Time for some more indy wrestling. I write this as I get ready to head to my first ever live Shimmer Women’s Athletes show. I can hardly wait!

This match pits two of my personal favorites against each other. From a CZW tournament: Super Dragon vs El Generico.


Your Weekly Dose of Indy Wrestling

Sorry to have been slacking lately. My life has been in total upheaval. I’m being, rather suddenly, forced to move cross-country. There’s more to it than that, but I won’t burden you guys with it.

I’ve heard some rumblings that you guys may want to see some Claudio Castagnoli. Well, do I have a match for you!

Claudio Castagnoli vs “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush. Wow. Just wow. This is why everyone should be watching Chikara!

Your Weekly Dose of Indy Wrestling

Sorry for the delay, but it’s been a hell of a week over here. Getting shot at, losing my job, starting a new job, wow! Too much.

Anyway, here’s my match, this week. Set aside some time because it’s about 30 minutes long. One of my all-time favorites, from a Chris Candito tribute show: Larry Sweeney vs Colt Cabana vs Delirious in a comedy match. It doesn’t get much better than this!