WWE contract for someone who deserves it

It was announced today, by Chikara, that Colin Olsen- known in the WWE as Colin Delaney- has been signed to a WWE contract. From Chikara’s MySpace page:

Ahoy there, CHIKARAmigos. Some bittersweet news to start off KING OF TRIOS week, as Colin D. Olsen, one half of the “Feel Good Tag Team of the Decade”, The Olsen Twins, has been offered the chance of a lifetime working for some obscure indy known as World Wrestling Entertainment. Being no fool (other than a dancing fool, of course) Colin has taken the opportunity to make obscene amounts of money and reach worldwide superstardom in just a few minutes each week, and as a result is off of the CHIKARA roster effective immediately. Unfortunately for his brother, Jimmy Jam Olsen, and their burly protector, “Big Rig” Brodie Lee, this leaves them a man down for KING OF TRIOS with just FIVE DAYS before the tournament. Not wanting to risk ending up a man short, our vaunted Director of Fun, Mr. Leonard F. Chikarason, has announced another RANDOM DRAWING to determine their partner, effectively destroying any advantage the Olsens and Brodie would have had over the first time trio of Cheech, Cloudy, and Dragon Gate star m.c.KZ.

So, congrats Colin! You made it! It was a very well deserved signing. I wish him the best of luck in “the E.”

What strikes me as odd, though, is that WWE isn’t going to let him work King of Trios, this weekend, for Chikara. Normally, WWE lets their new guys finish all of their current bookings. It just seems odd to make him back out five days before the show.

7 Responses

  1. Was there really no better picture of him than that? That looks like it was taken with one of thoes cheap ass WWF/E Slam Cams.

  2. It was a thumbnail from a YouTube like site. Try doing an image search for him. That really WAS the best image of him. I had to stretch it just to get it to look visible.

    And in case the headline isn’t clear- I meant that they signed a little guy without a great body. That’s a step in the right direction for them, even though I know it won’t last. At least it’s not another Kahli or Snitsky.

  3. meh. I could see last 6 months tops.

  4. him

  5. The Champ –

    Your still here? Are you the same “the champ” that used to get heat on the old, old blog back in the day?

  6. yeah that’s me. I am pwb original

  7. Yeah good for Colin, hopefully he will get a nice little pay day for his time in WWE. I’m sure it’s nothing big, but it has to be a lot better than Chikara. I dont see him having a long run in the WWE, but hopefully it will be fun while it last.

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