“The” Jsnwwf’s WM 24 review….and its bigger than Texas.

The” Jsnwwf’s Wrestlemania Review

This is long, so get ready to read. As JR would say, “Bye God, this is a Wrestlemania sized blog post”

580+ comments for a discussion= NEW PWB record, by more than double.

Lex, don’t change a think. I was thinking about this. I wasn’t there for the discussion because it would spoil me later watching the show, via internet, but still observed the discussion. If there was a chat, then comments wouldn’t be saved. With comments saved, its there in cement (figure of speech) for those missing the discussion and new PWB members to observe.

On to the show…

Let me say now, Howard Finkle, the only performer I believe to appear in every single Wrestlemania. Is he in the Hall of fame?

With low hopes for the PPV, I enjoyed it immensely. Having the WWE Title match come before the World Title match was a good move because the was little talk about the triple threat match. While the storyline between Edge and Undertaker sucked, it was guaranteed to be a better match.

Finlay vs JBL:

I was a bit surprised for this to starts the show because this was a “big” storyline, god bad. I what was even more shocking was Finlay actually losing. Who predicted this? Why? I thought for sure that Hornswoggle would dance at the end giving the show a feel good moment. Good match. Best parts of the match included Finlay with a suicide dive through the ropes and the part with JBL throwing a trash can into Hornswoggle’s face from inside the ring to the outside of the ring.

Great opening match, how often is the opening match at a WWE PPV this good?
Out of 10, give this a 6.5 overall.
MITB match:

lol at Coach being there and getting no mic time.
Great match. In fact this has to be the greatest MITB match, ever. The best athletes that WWE has to offer were in this, other than Noble, Wang, Kendrick, London, and Rey. Great spots including Benjamin killing himself, a Morrison moonsault (with ladder in hand), Morrison climbing an unset ladder then busting his balls, and both Carlito and CM Punk jumping from rope to ladder. The moment of the match had to go to Matt Hardy. I can still hear a ringing in my ear from that pop. Mixed chants of “HOLY SHIT!” and “THIS IS AWESOME!”

CM winning? Another one I didn’t see coming. He will definitely move to Smackdown or Raw if WWE has a Draft in the next weeks.
P.S. TNA a pathetic. Who the fuck would be looking up during the MITB match to miss a big spot? TNA = stupid. Noone could read that stupid sign anyway, idiots…
Batista vs Umaga:

I expected a good match out of this. I was waiting for a “Boring!” chant. The finish was funny. Botchmania here we come. That’s the Batista we all remember.
Chavo vs Kane:

I’m SO glad that Kane gets a title reign.

11 sec. match. Good for Chavo. Its serves him right for doing drugs, AFTER Eddie died. I picked Dreamer to be in this, even though I wanted Kane to win. When will an ECW wrestler win the title? Kane is from Smackdown, just like Chavo.
5/10 because Kane won.
HBK vs Flair: Smackdown vs Raw match, oh wait…Flair is really a RAW guy, right?


Flair breaks out the ole’ school Flair tights. WOW! A FUCKING CLASSIC, from beginning to end. HBK almost dies in the first 3 minutes outside of the ring, but continues. Then moonsaults off the turnbuckle to the outside to have flair not catch him, ugh. HBK has 3 lives. Blown spot in the middle. Its ok, Flair, its ok.

Great “Struggling dog put to sleep” ending.

Austin said a few weeks ago that he has never seen HBK screw up. That got me thinking, has he ever, I mean other than with the super kick on numerous occasions(ladder match with razor wasn’t his fault)? The best wrestler ever, period.
8/10 Only HBK could have had that type of match with flair, well maybe Triple H or Taker, but that’s it.

Too bad Flair didn’t do “The Turnbuckle Spot.”
Great promo by Edge
Great Pyro
Bunny Mania:

LOL at this coming after HBK/Flair. It’s sad that Mickie and Victoria are on the sidelines. Don’t be surprised if you see them in TNA. “Ohh wee.” Ashley is fugly, ok?!!!?..with no ass, might I add…

How dead was the crowd? You could literally see people leaving to the bathroom. I wanted the crowd to cheer went the place went dark..Sting?
Lawler didn’t get his match, but I guess he got something.
I’m done with this…

HHH vs Orton vs Cena
I don’t care about this so it will be short.

Cena entrance was corny, without his theme. Who’s bad idea was that? The spotlight in dark made mania better in my view. LMAO at Orton only getting 8% of the votes.

I swear, as soon as I saw this go early, I said that Orton was retaining. Predictable PPV, huh? Orton will lose it to HHH tonight on RAW o at Backlash.

6/10 Other than the crowd, this match didn’t live up to….oh wait it did live up to the built up. Next.

So far everybody that I wanted to win, other than Shelton has won.

Big Show vs PBF(Pretty Boy Floyd)

Like I said, Mayweather has two guys taller than Big Show, SERIOUSLY! Oh, so that’s where the 20 million is going, to the fans that bought Mania tickets. Making it rain, outside. Lol. Ok, I laughed when Mayweather started singing his own theme song.

meh. 40-0.

Is it em or does it seem like ECW and Smackdown doesn’t exist? Lawler does the interpromotional match and Tazz/Joey do an 11 sec match. That’s it.

4/10 Damn, I was hoping for 50 Cent. I guess he just lied. wtf?
Main Event: Edge vs Undertaker

1st off, I would like to congratulate Edge on finally making a Wrestlemania Main Event. A long time coming.

Lol at Coaches first words of the Night, near the end. They must have had a mute button on him.

I havent seen Edge/Taker yet, but I have to leave for college classes.

good mania. In the top half, maybe.

Pop of the night:
Matt Hardy,
Orton winning.
Big Show
Heat of the night:
Floyd winning
Match of the Night(show stealer):
Money in the Bank,

Video of the day: Stop being GAY, or else!