Notes: Test going to TNA?

PWInsider has reported that TNA has been in negotiations to bring over ex WWE wrestler Test.(Andrew Martin)

Martin was dropped from WWE. It was reported by WWE that he was fired while Martin claimed that he had quit the federation. (Yeah right Test.)

Now my question is; Does Test have anything to offer TNA? I don’t think so. Any Testicles left out there still believe in him?

23 Responses

  1. If I may steal a phrase from SWF: It’s time for a mirror match between the electric bugaloos, Lance Hoyt and Test

  2. Lets see Test quits the WWE because of what he calls backstage “politics”, TNA has no drug testing policy, Test goes to TNA hmmmmmmm….. Anyone wanna place bets on who will be the first wrestler to die under TNA’s watch.

  3. Sideshow,

    Let’s not go there bet would be on Angle =(

    I always thought Test was a great worker and he was really getting over as a heel until they killed his heat. I’ve always liked the guy and I hope they use him well if he does go over.

  4. I like Test too but I can’t deny all signs point to him having some kind of Wellness Policy issue when he was with the WWE. And if TNA doesn’t start there own drug policy someone I don’t know who but someone will die on there watch.

  5. DMS –

    “Great” worker?


  6. I like Test. Sorry to admit it. I just always have.

    He was fired from WWE for talking shit about something the company did. Exactly what he said escapes me, now, but I clearly remember it happening.

  7. According to Wikipedia, “On February 18, 2007, WWE RAW commentator Jim Ross confirmed that Test had been suspended for 30 days for violating the WWE “Wellness Program”. [3] The next week, on February 27, Test was released from his contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.[4] Later, on his MySpace page, Martin claimed he was released because he requested it.[5]”

  8. Now I remember! He came out on a radio show or a blog and said that lots of guys who played politics were “overlooked” or given special treatment on the wellness policy. The next day, he was released.

    I’m pretty sure it was for juicing. Look at the guy.

  9. Test has dropped about 30lbs due to an infection he got so he will be smaller than he was. I think that TNA needs a “Powerfull” Heel. Christian is a great heel but not that big power guy that I think they need.

  10. He will be a face and help sting and abyss against cc and company. He is going under the name “The Punisher” Andrew Martin

  11. I am not feeling Test in TNA, as they already have enough talent. The show is doing great so why are they signing all these has beens?

    I also read a rumour that TNA has signed Too Cool, please tell me this is not true? TNA needs to sign the Briscoes, Jericho or RVD. They dont need wwe mid carders.

  12. i was a fan of test but his nothing but a wwe reject.

  13. I don’t have a problem with WWE has-beens/rejects going to TNA, they seem to make good/better use of them.
    We Are Wrestling

  14. I just read the spoilers for the next two impacts, and tna is about to have more issues, than just signing test or pacman jones

  15. iv just read the spoilers and test was there and attacked Tomko. so there its. sorry for people who dont like impact spoiled

  16. does that mean it was test under the ring who shredded abyss to a bloody pulp?

  17. i dont think so test he interfered in a match with abyss sting cage and styles and he helped abyss so his a babyface

  18. are there any ideas who it was? god bless Bravo tv in the UK, showing tna impact from bout 9am-till 1pm every morning. I thought the most recent instalmment of TNA was class

  19. D-Love

    If I’m not mistaken, the man who pulled Abyss under was Ricky Banderas. He made a name for himself in PR and worked for WSX (if you don’t remember, it was that guy with the scar on the side of his face who defeated Vampiro for the title). But as for him being in TNA, I hear he’s going under a different name working for James Mitchell.

  20. For you guys that missed it, on the TNA Impact discussion post for July 26, 2007 I had said;

    Abyss was attacked by Ricky Banderas the new guy coming out with James Mitchell soon. Banderas will be called Judas Mesias.

  21. d-love could not agree more if it wasnt for bravo i wouldent be able to watch tna on tuesday they aired lockdown

  22. As for Angle dropping dead from drugs…well as he stated “it is my decision to do painkillers. I got myself additcted to them not WWE.” So with that said, if Angle has not kicked his habit then he may still be dealing with that. Although, he does look a lot better to me than he did. As for the jerk off Test…I’m sick of him now. When he first came back I was like yeah Test is back because I figured he would make a great heel. But he was sorry at it. To me he looked like a blown up roid freak. I’m sorry to hear he’s been sick, but he is not the best heel in all of wrestling. He may wish for that, but he’s just not. I hope for TNA’s sake that they will not hire the guy. I think that would be the worst move TNA could ever make. If you are going to hire someone from WWE don’t hire their roided out crazies. Go for the decent ones. Too bad they can’t get Maven, but I hear they are hoping to bring in Nidia. I hope so as I think she could add something to the company. But as for Kurt Angle, I like the guy a lot and I would hate to see him loose it (his mind). I think that is why they are bringing in his wife. She will give him that mental point of reference that will help him. Maybe he will finally get it all together. Test – no way in hell…..Angle—keeper, but needs attention.

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