Book Review— Batista Unleashed

“When they first came to me, I kind of thought it was a bad idea. I kind of thought, ‘Who the hell would want to read about me?’ ” Batista told
Now that I have finished his book, I thought Id answer Batista’s question. It was a horrible idea, and now I wish I would have listened to him and NOT read about him.
After reading all of the semi-reviews online, I thought we were finally going to get a book that told all the secrets and some juicy information behind the scenes. I was wrong and stupid for thinking so. The only people he “called out” or dissed were basically no one of importance. He talked about how he hated Sgt Buddy Lee Parker or whatever his name his, Bubba Ray Dudley, and some random fan sitting at ringside. He did call Randy Orton a prick and Vince an asshole, but he did so after pretty much kissing their asses in the paragraphs before. As for his wild sexual cravings…he told us how hes had sex with some people, no names given. His talked about Melina, and just referred to their relationship as a “physical” one. Nowhere in his writing did he mention having sex with her, just a “physical” relationship. Honestly that could mean anything from sex to brushing her hair.
I thought this book was very choppy in that he had alot of small paragraphs and he jumped around alot. I think this book was written way to fast and you can tell it was put together quickly. The one thing I did enjoy was how he had “mini” stories before each chapter and he was talking about one subject throughout the book. In all, I would give this book a 2 out 5 stars.
The English

3 Responses

  1. arghh the dreaded return of star ratings, did you not listen to lex’s most recent podcast? ratings should be done in butterflies or bongs!

  2. Im sorry d-love….how about this… I give this book 3 WWE spinner belts out of 10.

  3. fuck you d-love, and i intend on you taking that in the most light hearted way. but star ratings are good, and if the english wants to give what he thinks of this wrestling book compared to other wrestling books and other non-wrestling books in the form of colored in and empty stars, then good for him.

    and thanks english, i was going to by this book, but now im saving myself 30 bucks(?)

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