TNA Turning Point Discussion: Outsiders Return

Sorry I was little late with this one…discuss the TNA PPV here!

12 Responses

  1. is anyone watching this?

  2. Ah no….

  3. I guess I’m one of the few watching.

  4. I’m so sick of TNA – the Feist or Fired thing was actually an interesting idea. It was a way to create NEW stars imagine the concept. Look how much people are/were digging the Kaz push and now they could the same for some other people.

    So who wins? Petey Williams, BG James, Scott Steiner and Senshi.

    If we’re lucky three of those four will be fired and Senshi will get the Tag Shot for XXX.

  5. so who gets what title shot and who’s fired?

  6. They won’t know until IMPACT when they open the boxes – that’s how you put asses in the seats.

    I’m a little disappointed that Kong/Kim went to a DQ finish but I understand why they did it and they made Awesome Kong look like a beast. It’s interesting that the only thing TNA seems to be able to book is the Knockouts. I guess Scott D’Amore is the only person in this company with his head out of his ass.

  7. JD–

    I’d assume BG gets the tag shot, Petey the X Division shot, and Senshi the heavyweight shot (to be wasted on Impact!). It would be obvious that Steiner gets the heavyweight shot, but with him saying no one has the balls to fire him back on Impact, I’m assuming he’s “fired.”

  8. so the whole shabang was kinda a train wreck eh :/

  9. I’m so happy that this turned into a fucking mess. I wish Joe has thrown the mic down and walked out of the company tonight but oh well. I’m a little disappointed that Tomko ate the pin since he was a trooper and went out there with his injury but good lord what a fucking disaster.

  10. I wonder how it came across when Eric Young came out. That was kind of cool that Eric Young got a Main Event push even for one night, his gimmick may not be good, but he is a great wrestler.

  11. TNA always does this….they book matches that the fans might actually get excited for…and then they completely devalue it by putting in random guys that have nothing to do with the storyline when original wrestlers no-show…they did it like 4 times at the last PPV to have a King of the Mountain match, and they did it twice tonight (Raven and EY)…

  12. You guys should have watched. Joe said the most important thing that TNA’s management needed to hear.

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