Podcast Feedback: You Gonna Order Wrestlemania 24?

I wanted to get some feedback for this week’s podcast–the PWBTV section of the show is going to focus on Wrestlemania 24 (duh).

Lately, I’ve noticed that the Raw discussions have dropped off a bit. Those are usually a pretty good indicator of how many people are watching Raw. When the discussions drop off the night of, more people are usually DVRing the show.

For example, go back to the January 21 Raw discussion–we had 123 comments. WWE had it’s first HD show, and people were excited about the product. Then, look at last night’s discussion: only 28 responses so far.

Bottom line: I’m worried about the interest in WWE’s product as of late. I know I’ve been DVRing more of the shows and catching them later, rather than watching them live. Up until three or four months ago, I never missed watching a WWE show right when it came on. So that makes me wonder–how many of you are going to order Wrestlemania 24?

As for me, I’m up in the air right now. I will admit that last night’s Ric Flair/HBK segment was pretty damn amazing. I’d really like to see that match now. But, for now, that’s the only thing that’s really got me hooked.

If you are going to order Mania, why are you ordering it? Will you be watching it alone, or will you be throwing or attending a Mania party where everyone pitches in? Is cost a concern to you?

If you’re not ordering Mania, why aren’t you?

I’ll use the best responses on the podcast this week. Thanks as always.

25 Responses

  1. Personally I just trow Vince my wallet and tell him to take what he needs. But seriously I’m gonna order Mania and if it was available my area I’d even spend extra on the Hi-Def version because it’s Mania and it’s only once a year. But with that said the next few WWE PPV’s following Mania are gonna have to have pretty impressive cards in order to draw me in again.

  2. I’m splitting the ppv price tag between 4 people and I am still hesitant to part ways with my £4.

  3. not a snowball’s chance in hell. $55 to watch that same old crap? I think not.

  4. I will not order Wrestlemania this year because nothing about it really makes me want to watch it this year. Vince and company have put together a crap card and are hoping that most fans will be like SideShowRaheem and order it because it is Wrestlemania. I do not see anything on the card that makes me want to watch or even more drop $55 on the show. From looking at the card there is not a match that screams “WATCH ME I AM GOING TO BE GREAT!”, the only one I kind of want to watch is HBK vs Flair and that is only because I know each wrestler will bring the best out of one another. Plus part of me thinks it would be great if Flair would win at Wrestlemania since everyone expects him to lose. So right now I will not be purchasing Wrestlemania, but depending on the weather I may head out to the local BW3 to check out the action, if I get bored I can always head home.

    As for watching Monday Night Raw, I have been DVRing it since the special three hour bore-fest. I have found that when I DVR any WWE show (RAW, ECW, SmackDown!) I do not enjoy it as much when I watch the actual broadcast and most of the time I don’t even get around to watching the episodes, this is true with ECW, SmackDown!, and even TNA. If I listen to a podcast (PWB Podcast or another one) and they say a show was really good I make sure to watch it other wise if it has been on the DVR for two weeks I delete it. BTW I usually watch RAW live and DVR the other programs.

  5. Sideshow
    I get that Mania is special to any wrestling fan (myself included) but this year’s mania buildup has been stale. It’s been shaping up to be pretty run of the mill. Ric Flair’s retirement aside, my question is what will make this WM stand out?

    As for me I pass this year.

  6. Here’s where I differ from most I don’t think bad build up necessarily = bad show nor do I think predicable = bad show. I look at the card for WM24 the matches and the wrestlers in those matches and it’s completely on par with Mania’s of the past I expect a good show just based on the quality of the matches not the story lines. I watch pretty much every TNA and WWE PPV for me it’s just a matter of whether I’m gonna spend the money to see it live or not, ordering WM may mean downloading Backlash or Lockdown so I don’t really look at it as 55 dollars down the drain if it’s a bad show because at the end of the year I always end up spending the same amount on PPVs.

  7. I’ll be ordering wrestlemania. I think theres potential for some of the matches to be great. Crap like the bunnymania match and the belfast brawl kinda keep me on the fence but I feel like HBK vs. Ric Flair and Edge vs. Undertaker will fully make up for it. Plus im totally looking forward to the MITB match. With Jeff Hardy out I think its up in the air as to who’s going to win.

  8. ONLY because it’s the show I missed by moving away from Orlando, I’m watching it with friends. We’re splitting the cost of the HD version (not my choice) and paying $5 each (which includes pizza fund). I doubt any of us would pay more than that.

    Summary: If it weren’t for it being an Orlando show, or I was paying more than $5, I wouldn’t watch it and wouldn’t miss it.

  9. I’m going to a movie theater in my area, which is cheaper. I’m with sideshow on this one, this card looks pretty good. look at it up against last year’s mania:

    – Undertaker vs Batista / Undertaker vs Edge
    – John Cena vs Shawn Michaels / John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Triple H
    – Bobby Lashley vs Umanga ref. Steve Austin / Batista vs Umanga
    – Playboy Model vs Sort Of Female Wrestler / Playboy Models vs Sort Of Female Wrestlers
    – Kane vs Khali / Belfast Brawl: JBL vs Finlay
    – ECW Originals vs New Breed / Battle Royal & Chavo vs Winner of Said Battle Royal
    – Star Studded MITB / Unpredictable MITB
    – MVP vs Chris Benoit / Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

    I would say there are generally better looking matches on this mania card than last year, and less shitty looking matches. Granted WM23 kind of sucked, but still, i think it looks good.

  10. im def getting wrestlemania 24

    one for ric flair hes the man he is the reason why i started watching wrestling my dad use to make me watch wrestling when i was little and i would watch ric flair wrestle and be amazed

    2 for undertaker vs edge i have been waiting for this for a long time both of thoes guys r amazing and a match between them might just be the match of the night and it would be a whole 180 turn of they have edge beat taker

    and of course the money in the bank match i mean you have 7 of the best midcarders in wwe right now i think mvp will win hes progressed the most out of all of them so mvp all the way for me cause u know its just BALLLLLLLLLLINNN!!!!!!

    so 54 bucks will be worth the money and im also buying lock down cause the angle vs joe build has been really good so thats 2 good ppv builds in 2 months GOOD JOB TO BOTH COMPANIES

  11. unlike the other manias, its too predictable.

    HBK/Cena = less predictable than triple treat

    taker/batista = less predictable than edge/taker

    flair/hbk predictable, but still can go either way.

    MITB = not predictable, like the last 2 have been.

    diva match = face team wins, predicable

    finlay/bradshaw =mcmahon always loses at WM, predictable
    (always gets his)

    oh an I will Watch Mania, about 3 hours after it is done on youtube. lol. StingerVII, is youtube god.

  12. btw, the battle royal is a dark match. It won’t be on the card that you pay to watch.

  13. I will not be ordering Mania, becuase I can’t as I dont have Sky tv, if I did i think £15 or whatever is definatly worth it if only even for the 3 or 4 matches im intrested in , espically after mondays RAW, I feel as though the HBK/Flair storyline should of been given alot more time over the last few weeks though, it feels to me as if they put weeks worth of storylines into one segment, heres hoping that flair wins the match and then maybe loses to kennedy the next night on Raw or something (unlikly though). I couldnt really give a rats arse about the main event, that was untill mondays raw, It was kinda cool how unlike the WWE’s usual way of doing business the past was brought up by HHH, Cena and Orton, and we seemed to of got an explanation as to why this match is important to them, which I feel as though helps give the match some credibility. The money in the bank match should be intresting, jericho has promised we’ll see something never done in a ladder match before, I can see PUNK winning and then going on to cash in his contract in the summer against either the Raw or SD! champion jumping ship and kick starting his inevitable push (it makes sense with the start of WWE Kids). I couldnt give 2 shits about the diva match, I’ll fastforward that one, willl only be mildly intresting if Santino gets involved which i reckon could happen, perhaps Jerry Lalwer will fight with him again and they end up having an on the spot match booked meaning that Vince delivers his promise to Lalwer fom a few months ago. The ECW championship match could be a good one depending on who wins the battle royal, it’ll probably be a train wreck with big daddy VISCERA winning, maybe WWE will debut Killings in the battle royal, on the small chance they do wonder if he’ll revert to the old k-kwik giimick? Whilst the SD! main event should be an entertaining match it doesnt really intrest me becuase the end result is pretty much set in concrete and we all know it.

  14. Personally I am reall looking forward to the show. I want to see all of these matches and this is why.

    MITB- Very unpredictable I would say that Y2J, Kennedy, MVP and CM Punk all have a good chance of winning and Morrison and Benjamin will probably steal the show, this MITB is probably the best on paper as far as out and out wrestling ability goes and there’s nobody in the match who is afraid to take bumps.

    Edge/Taker- I know that the match is predictable but so was last years you can’t tell me that anyone thought Batista was going to end the streak. Both guys can go should be a great match by all accounts very exciting.

    HHH/Cena/Orton- This match also has the potential to be great too its WrestleMania so everyone will give it everything. The match isn’t that predictable as it is possible that even Orton may retain and we see a MITB cash in or something.

    Flair/HBK- Great build if they give it the correct amount of time and get all Flairs “dirtiest player” stuff in the match will be 5 star.

    Finlay/JBL- Not particularly looking forward to this match having said that it is a hardcore bout so JBL could do okay. Lots of Blood qand a couple of spots and this will be decent at the least

    Bunnymania- Didnt care before and care less now its Ashley instead of Candice. The only way this can entertain is if Santino has heavy involvment.

  15. im not ordering it.

    too much money, and my job situation is not stable right now

  16. 100% ordering this. I’m into a few matches this year but the normal Wrestlemania hype in me really kicks in when Saturday comes. Out come previous Wrestlemania dvds watch back some classic matches, just enjoy it. We are lucky to an extent in the UK that both our Standard Def and High Def prices are both the same £14.95. However I do not have a Sky HD box but HD tv, the downside is the time 12am I doubt I’ll be up watching it all this year due to work the next morning. The cost of it isn’t a factor, since me and my brother both watch wrestling we will split the cost.

    Really looking forward to Flair vs HBK, it’s a shame they left the best promo for last, if it was used from week one the hype and build would’ve been even bigger than now. Still be a great match, Flair deserves to go out with a bang (not just talking some Sweet Chin Music).

    The “main-event” urgh! I don’t want any of them to close out the show, just having that as your final Mania moment doesn’t sit well with me, last year I didn’t mind so much because it was a very good match.

    Undertaker vs Edge an interesting mix and could steal the show if booked right. The build up hasn’t been there for me but can still have a great match.

    Floyd vs Big Show just hmmmm for now.

    Finally the one part that interests me a lot is the whole set up inside the Citrus Bowl, from the pyro to the screens to the stage.

  17. I haven’t had a chance to read the other posts yet, but let me say this. Reason why I refuse to buy WM 24 bc Vince Mchamon destroyed my childhood dream when he brought WM 23 to Detroit.

    I really don’t wanna rant here bc I aint got the time, but oh well. Never in my life would I have ever seen myself attending a Wrestlemainia. I saw myself living a full life and dying and never being part of history and having the priverlage to say “I was there when….”. Reason being is bc WWE moved all over the country BUT to Detroit only to do a Raw or a house show. And last year when it was announced that WM was coming to DETROIT (not some other town nearby) I was beyond estatic and even more so for the fact that I was less than 5 minutes from the arena. I dreamt I would be at the show marking out non-stop from top to bottom. A story I would share with my children for years to come and what not. However, I didn’t get that. I got awful matches put together at the last minute and some that put me to sleep (that, and having to deal with some 7 yro mark trying to impress me with his mark knowledge). I don’t have any memories that I can instantly recall of me being in the arena other than the pyro and ‘Taker’s entrance to the ring.

    Bottom line was WM23 was for the marks and it wasn’t worth the $75 I paid. IMO it was more of a glorified Smackdown than a Wrestlemainia. Which brings me to the conclusion why I’m not buying 24. Sure, WM24 seems a lil better than the previous one, but I get the sense they are gonna be more or less the same.

  18. – Dynamite

    there is no sign that the battle royal will be a dark match, they’ve been promoting it as a legit match. on past manias they’ve had dark match battle royals, but they were unannounced and just thrown together to warm up the crowd, but they got no mention of existence during the buildup of the show. this one’s going to air on the mania broadcast.


    Taker vs Edge is less predictable than Taker vs Batista; nobody cares about the diva’s match anyway; flair vs Michaels isn’t predictable; this year’s MITB is far less predicable than last year’s; and even if the belfast brawl will probs end up with finlay and hornswoggle standing in the ring together hugging, it could still have a good finish.

    ps. even if it is really predictable, it doesn’t make the match bad.

  19. I’m not ordering it because for $55 I fill up my car and have some left to take my kids to the park with a picnic lunch. I think Vince will find his sales down big time with prices being outrageus like they are now on everything.

  20. i agree with mollie d., prices are going to be way down with the crazy prices

  21. Thanks as always guys, great responses!

  22. – Dynamite

    never mind, you were right, the battle royal is on the pre show. really that improves the card, i could go without seeing the jobbers and job-monsters have hobble around the ring. then again, that’s one less bathroom break during the show.

  23. so one less match improves what is already a horribly weak card? OMG.

    This is a pathetically weak WM card. If you told me this was the card for an episode of RAW I wouldn’t be surprised.

  24. obviously it doesn’t really improve the card, Dynamite, but it’s not like everyone’s going to be up in arms because the jobber battle royal has been moved to wwe.com. I don’t see how this is a horribly weak card, but we’ll probs be staying in disagreement.

  25. I will watch 24, but not at my house. A family member is having a WrestleMania party for her son. Many of my family will be at that party, people that may have bought the PPV at their own houses. The price in and of itself cost the ‘E four or five PPV cost within my family alone.

    Way to go, WWE. Fuck yo couch.

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